Apropos the editorial "Debate, don't disrupt" (April 23), the opposition parties disrupting the functioning of Parliament should realise that a large section of people - possibly including many industrialists - is eager to see Parliament function and complete its legislative agenda. With the prospects of a general election round the corner, this is perhaps the last opportunity for the ruling party to get the pending Bills passed during the term of the present Lok Sabha. If a general election is declared leaving these crucial laws unadopted, there is no certainty as to what will be their fate during the term of the next Lok Sabha. Moreover, no one can predict which coalition is going to come to power after the next elections. This uncertainty makes the business community as well as others feel that disrupting Parliament at this juncture will be a great tragedy for the nation. More than gaining any political mileage, the Bharatiya Janata Party and other opposition parties will bring upon themselves the curse of a large section of the electorate.
P V Rajeev New Delhi
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P V Rajeev New Delhi
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