This is more than a symbolic step. These are not marginal, unimportant items that were still on the SME list. They included bread, matches, locks, domestic utensils, fireworks, soap, wooden furniture, and mustard and groundnut oil. In all these sectors, new large-scale enterprises were forbidden. Is it any surprise that almost every lock in Indian markets is made in big, efficient Chinese factories? Once, in the mid-1980s, there were as many as 873 items on this list. From 2002 to 2009, under the first NDA and the first United Progressive Alliance governments, about 790 of these items were removed - including such things as garments. Is it surprising that, with garments on this list, India failed to reach its potential as a garment exporter in spite of ample human resources? The average size of a garment factory in India is about a tenth of their competitors in Bangladesh. It is no wonder that India's eastern neighbour has grown its garment exports much faster than has India.
Typically for such economic restrictions, this reservation for SMEs was counter-productive in more than one way. Not only did it stunt the sector, but it ensured the perpetuation of monopolies. After all, when the restrictions were first introduced, existing companies were granted what were called "carry-on business" licences. Thus Bata could continue to make footwear in-house if it chose, but no large Indian competitors could come up to challenge it. One other aspect of this gradualism is worth noting: that, even if there is no will to reform domestically, openness to the world economy can force the government's hand. After all, if Indian SMEs are competing with large-scale enterprises from China under free trade, why not with large-scale enterprises from India? The value of trade as the engine of domestic reform can hardly be overemphasised.
Finally, it is worth noting that the biggest beneficiary of this reservation will likely be SMEs themselves. For 'Make in India' to thrive and for India to become a genuine manufacturing hub, growth must be driven by SMEs that become big companies. By ending the reservation policy, the government has helped make that possible.