An Oslo court recently reconfirmed a verdict that is guaranteed to cast a pall over festivities in the digital entertainment industry. The Norwegian court confirmed the acquittal of 20-year-old Jon "DVD" Johansen on piracy charges, freeing the Norwegian youth who has been the centre of a major controversy for five years. |
DVD Jon has become an online cult figure as well as a hate-object for the entertainment industry. The movie/music industry uses a copy-protection method, named the CSS (where CSS is an acronym of "content-scrambling-system"). This is designed to prevent legally-bought DVDs from being copied. |
In 1998, it also prevented DVDs from being played on free Linux-OS (operating system)-based systems, rather than proprietorial Mac or Windows PCs and conventional DVD players. |
The reason was probably that it's tough to charge licence fees and royalties from Linux-users whereas Microsoft and Apple pay for bundling the CSS decoder with their operating systems. |
As a 15-year-old, Johansen was one of a trio of kids who devised a method of unscrambling the CSS. The DeCSS algorithm (Decoder for CSS) they created was an elegant bit of code-breaking and Johansen wrote a utility that enabled Linux-users to copy and playback CSS-DVDs. DeCSS ended up all over the Net and was downloaded by millions. |
Johansen was then hounded by the entertainment industry, which demanded his extradition to the US, preferably in handcuffs. The charges could have landed him in an American jail for a very long time. |
The chargesheet made it seem that this teenager was single-handedly responsible for the estimated $ 3 billion worth of DVD piracy losses in 1998. |
The reality is a little different. CSS prevents direct digital transfer. But it can't prevent a recording of DVD output "" even through means as crude as setting up a video camcorder in front of a screen. |
Nor can it prevent an exact copy of the encrypted bitstream being written to a DVD for play on CSS-compatible platforms. |
The Norwegians refused to allow a minor to be dragged through the US legal system and admitted charges of piracy in their own courts. The maximum penalty under the relevant laws would have been a two-year term. |
In January 2003, DVD Jon was tried by an Oslo Court, which ruled that he had a right to copy his own legally-bought DVDs. |
The court admitted that DeCSS could facilitate piracy; it also held that the charges of distribution against Johansen were unproven. |
Johansen was cleared of piracy and distribution of the DeCSS. A consortium of Hollywood studios then approached a special division of the Norwegian police, which deals with white-collar crime and masterminded an appeal. |
The special division "Økokrim", appealed against the "application of the law and the presentation of evidence" during the original trial. |
The appeals court has just upheld the original verdict, which means that Johansen is a free man although he would be pushing his luck if he applied for a US visa. |
Last week, Johansen was again in the news when he posted source code to a program designed to help users unlock music downloaded using Apple's iTunes service. This is an interesting application, which again leads into grey areas. |
The online iTunes shop is designed for use by US-based Mac users. It has attained a huge popular following because of a combination of a large library of songs and a cheap, easily customisable, per-song download format. |
More than a million tracks per week tend to be pay-downloaded at $ 0.99 per high-fidelity tune. Johansen's new program enables PC users to convert the iTunes format to play tracks on more common multimedia platforms. |
The Norwegian verdict is not binding on other courts obviously. But it does address key issues and is being seen as a landmark judgement. |