Eighty-nine-year-old Ram Jethmalani tried to put his age to use to help his client Sahara group buy more time. "I am the oldest and weakest," Jethmalani told the court while asking for more time to go through the 600-page document filed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi).
But the judge noted that Sahara has already filed a voluminous reply. To which Jethmalani, pointing to the bulky volume of notices sent by Sebi, said there should soon be a forum for the prevention of cruelty to counsels, just like the one on prevention of cruelty to animals. Judge Radhakrishnan quickly replied, "We also have to go through this cruelty. It is the judges who need such a forum."
But the judge noted that Sahara has already filed a voluminous reply. To which Jethmalani, pointing to the bulky volume of notices sent by Sebi, said there should soon be a forum for the prevention of cruelty to counsels, just like the one on prevention of cruelty to animals. Judge Radhakrishnan quickly replied, "We also have to go through this cruelty. It is the judges who need such a forum."