A key issue raised by the committee is the potential resource base. In order to encourage private sector investment, the entire accounting framework would have to be changed in order to show investors a balance sheet. Many experts believe that this is virtually impossible in a reasonable time frame. It would, thus, be better to focus on private investment into new activities, which are structured in entities with clear balance sheets. Core operations being run on the existing accounting system will have to remain that way. One important recommendation is for the government to simply write off accumulated liabilities, allowing the system to make investments in capacity enhancement and safety mechanisms. Another sticky issue, related to accounting methods, will be in the restructuring of non-core assets, like hospitals and so on, which the committee suggests. How are these to be valued? In the operational context, this problem will also be felt in separating the fixed infrastructure from the rolling stock. The primary role of the proposed regulator is to ensure open access to the railway tracks for private rake operators. Fair pricing would have to be based on cost. The idea of competitive entry is certainly worthwhile, but pricing will be a challenge.
Broadly speaking, the division of responsibilities between a strategic oversight group in the ministry, an operational board for the Indian Railways and a regulator that safeguards competition is the right way to go. This is a change that the government must begin implementing. The specific mandates of each of these entities need to be clearly drawn up. Accounting reforms and the pricing decisions that flow from them will necessarily be on the long-term agenda and should not come in the way of immediate action. Private entry into core freight operations, which is already permitted, and passenger transport, which would be a leap forward, must be accompanied by investments in safety mechanisms and monitoring. The bottom line is immediate action.