After West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee renamed six townships in the state last week, social media was abuzz with suggestions on how some other streets/localities in Bengal could be rebranded. One particularly funny post suggested, among other things, that Kalighat, Banerjee's place of residence, should be renamed Hawainagar (presumably because of Banerjee's penchant for wearing flip-flops or hawai chappals as they are known in Bengal) and Alipore should be renamed Saradhanagar (Madan Mitra, who was arrested in connection with the multi-crore Saradha scam, is lodged in Alipore Jail). Taking a dig at the Trinamool Congress-run Kolkata Municipal Corporation's tax waiver scheme decided last year for people who painted their houses blue and white - the colours that adorn Argentina's national flag - the post concluded that West Bengal should perhaps be called Argentina.