Unless the ruling is overturned and RIL gets more for its gas, earnings will be lower than estimated earlier.
The Street had been expecting a more favourable verdict for Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) in its case against RNRL, for the supply of gas to the latter.
Most analysts had factored in a selling price of $4.2 per unit for the 40 mmscmd in their earnings estimates and, post the court’s ruling, will need to revise these. While the company’s earnings may not be hit immediately because neither RNRL nor NTPC
May utilise the gas at least for another year till their power plants are constructed, the lower price realisation could shave off around Rs 20 from RIL’s earnings per share of an estimated Rs 170-172 in 2010-11. RIL, of course, has the option to appeal to the Supreme Court.
However, even after the correction in the share price, analysts believe the stock may not outperform the market in the near future because the outlook for refining margins isn’t too bright.
Analysts say gross refining margins could at best be in the region of $5-6 per barrel in the current year. Moreover, prospects for the petrochemicals business too aren’t expected to look up until next year, they point out.