It is an interesting age for live music. "Concert economy" is a buzzword for governments and tourism boards across Asia, looking to attract domestic and overseas fans
DGHS also instructed that there be no "sale of tobacco/alcohol products in all affiliated events and sports facilities."
Nepal's recent political history tells us that the route to a return of monarchy cannot go through India despite friends in high places
Our international institutions simply are not designed to address systemic issues indifferent to national borders
There is a sense that the globalization of the last several decades has mostly benefited the coastal elites, while the rest of the country has suffered with stagnating wages
The story begins at its ending-an ageing but still formidable Anderson-offered a final chance to bow out on his own terms
The new issue small businesses are facing is that platforms are becoming advertising media as well, competing with Google/YouTube and Meta
Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today
Mr Trump's critics underestimate him, as they did after his loss to Joe Biden in the presidential elections of 2020
The book has eight chapters, the number that holds significance in Buddhist lore. The Dharmacakra, the wheel of Dharma, has eight spikes
Food grain production in the kharif season is estimated to have increased by 7.9 per cent relative to the previous year, while estimated rabi production is set to increase by 6 per cent
The visit takes place against the backdrop of key geopolitical developments in the region
In the defence market, sellers often maintain the upper hand despite the exceptionally high costs of their products
The US template for affirmative action, from primary education upwards, offered an inspiring and workable model for countries such as India
Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today
Filled with data, insights, and anecdotes, and accompanied by colourful illustrations, Ranjit Lal shines a light on how endangered nature is
Multinationals and high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) dodge taxes in a variety of ways. The most common way for multinationals is through the transfer pricing mechanism
Train-related information must be communicated clearly at the railway stations. At large stations, such as New Delhi Railway Station, more digital screens displaying arrivals and departures are needed
India's tech economy matured during the boom-bust cycle with investors waking up to India's advantages in providing information-technology (IT) services to the world
Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today