President, Federation of Indian Export Organisations The issue of revenue foregone has to be viewed in the context of policy objectives such as increasing saving or investment The figure of revenue foregone, amounting to Rs 158,661 crore in 2004-05, assumes considerable importance in view of the fact that this is 1.25 times the fiscal deficit estimate for that year, and about twice the revenue deficit estimate. |
Let's first analyse the issue of revenue forgone on exports. Every country follows the policy of exporting goods and not taxes. Therefore, export goods are relieved of the incidence of taxes and duties through remission or exemption of duty on the inputs used in the product exported. Though this should have declined with import duties coming down, exports have been growing by about 20 per cent a year in the past three years. With the introduction of special economic zones (SEZs), this will rise more. But this has to be seen as an engine of growth and an instrument to provide partial relief to infrastructure disabilities. Increased exports and development of SEZs as an effective remedy for infrastructure bottlenecks are creating more employment opportunities. The ministry of commerce has also carried out a study that links export growth to employment opportunities. |
Similarly, much of the revenue forgone under excise is in respect of concessions given to the small scale industry and this has balanced the inherent disadvantages faced by the small manufacturer, while competing with large scale industry or imports. |
The revenue forgone has also been given to meet some of the stated policy objective such as encouraging investments as well as savings. If the saving rate in the country has gone up to 29 per cent and investment to 30 per cent, we can fairly presume that these initiatives have served the intended purpose. The concession given on account of development of infrastructure, which has recently been extended up to 2009-2010, should not raise any eyebrows considering the pathetic state of infrastructure that requires massive investment. We are investing 2 per cent of our GDP on infrastructure, while China is investing 19 per cent of the same on infrastructure. Considering China's GDP to be about five times that of India's, China is investing an amount equal to our GDP on infrastructure itself! |
However, there cannot be two opinions that we need to target the exemptions so that they serve the intended purpose. There have been cases where the exemptions have not reached the target beneficiaries or the stated objective of the policy. I am happy that the statement of revenue forgone has dispelled the impressions that exporters are a pampered lot who enjoy various concessions from the government. The only benefit enjoyed by the exporters are reimbursement of the taxes and duties paid by them that is often not neutralised to the full extent. |
Former Member, Central Board of Direct Taxes
Exemptions create multiplicity of rates which results in huge classification issues, and this delays clearances and also leads to corruption
Vanity bag, bindi, kumkum, writing ink "" these are a few of the favourite things that enjoyed exemption from excise duty. Populism, thy name is exemption!