The cynics might say Election Commission (EC) strictures on poll expenditure are observed more in the breach, but an old party hand who has organised meetings and rallies for decades complains that campaigning has become a "phika" (lacklustre) affair because every little expense has to be accounted for. The headache begins as soon as an eager party worker garlands the candidate - if it's a small garland an expense of Rs 250 is logged and for a big garland Rs 900. Since accounting for such small items in the election expenses is a slog, parties have started discouraging garlanding. Then again, he adds, parties also have to be cautious of revealing the actual number of people who attended a poll meeting because the EC starts tabulating the cost of chairs used. Parties are also wary of serving tea for the same reason. As a result, the candidates arrive, deliver their speeches and leave. "What fun is there in that?" he laments.