The voting on the GST Constitutional amendment Bill caused much mirth in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. The numbers of those supporting the amendments kept varying between 197 and 205. This was baffling since, barring one occasion, there wasn't anyone voting against the Bill in the nearly dozen times voting happened.
Deputy Chairman P J Kurien said it was as if some magician was at work, making some members appear and disappear. On one occasion, as many as nine Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members voted against the amendments. This gave the opposition Congress the opportunity to rib the ruling party members.
"Guys, why don't you just learn to vote? Remember it's the green button," Congress MPs taunted. Senior ministers, Arun Jaitley and M Venkaiah Naidu, were seen shaking their heads and glaring at their floor managers for not explaining the voting process to the new members.
Deputy Chairman P J Kurien said it was as if some magician was at work, making some members appear and disappear. On one occasion, as many as nine Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members voted against the amendments. This gave the opposition Congress the opportunity to rib the ruling party members.
"Guys, why don't you just learn to vote? Remember it's the green button," Congress MPs taunted. Senior ministers, Arun Jaitley and M Venkaiah Naidu, were seen shaking their heads and glaring at their floor managers for not explaining the voting process to the new members.