Slumdog is a movie about all things noble - hope, aspiration, and about the grasp being further than the reach.
Slumdog Millionaire is up for the Oscars, 10 nominations strong. Being on a roll in getting some predictions right, let me risk another forecast — Slumdog will win Best Film. And it deserves to.
I have been somewhat surprised at all the hoopla surrounding this India-based film, in India. Too much poverty — what, know you not, there are middle class and rich Indians also? Why do people always revel in showing India in a bad light — by showing the exploitation within, by emphasizing its dark poverty? Now it is true that both foreigners and Indians expose the reality of India to a considerably greater degree than the reality of our neighbour, China. People do not get arrested in India for browsing the internet, and poor people are allowed to freely move to cities where the tourists, and filmmakers, can see them naked in their poverty. (One reason you do not find the absolute poor in China’s major cities is because the poor are barred from being there!)
The portrayal of poverty is no grounds for divorce from reality. If this had been the accepted wisdom, the world would have been denied de Sica’s The Bicycle Thief and our own Satyajit Ray’s Apu Trilogy. We should be embarrassed for even bringing up the idea of protesting the film, let alone discussing it in a juvenile fashion on TV. The bet is not on Slumdog to win because it glorifies the tragedy of poverty. No, Slumdog will win because it tells a quintessentially American story. And the appeal is enhanced by the Indian setting, and a Bollywood (may not love it but can’t leave it because it is so enjoyable) treatment.
Now if you are like me, and do not like knowing anything about a film before seeing it, then read the article after you have seen the film. I won’t reveal much, but then why risk it? Go see the film — it is brilliant.
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I have for years argued that India and America are two as diverse societies as can be imagined: one rich and developed, the other poor and developing; one predominantly white, the other predominantly brown; one a technological giant, the other desperate to escape from its self-imposed, and ancient straitjackets; one can go on, but there should be no dispute: the two societies are not similar, at all. But that is just on the surface. They are as near-identical as twins. Think about the two countries, and the movie.
My first article in journalism was written in the winter of 1980. It was entitled “In Defense of Attenborough”. Many Indians then were up in arms — how dare an Englishman, and not an Indian, make a film about the Father of the Nation? And why not, I argued — perhaps he will have a more detached perspective. Ditto in the case of Danny Boyle — he has made a better film on Indian slums, and universal hope, than most Indians could. The reason no Bollywood filmmaker could have made as good a film on “poverty” is because, well, Bollywood is not that interested in doing so. Befitting the upward mobility and aspirations in our society (shades of being American?), Bollywood is much more interested in luxury and fantasy and Sydney Harbour and the Swiss Alps than even a stylized version of the “real” India. One does not have to be poor, or live in a poor society, to make a film about hope despite poverty. One just has to be human — thankfully, none of the jingoistic and mis-guided critics have denied Boyle his abundant humanity.
The movie tells an American story, or is it Indian? Rags to riches, and the worth of an education. Both American and Indian children need to know the names of the Three Musketeers. Fighting the odds and coming out ahead. Being optimistic about pulling through rather than being burdened by the pessimism of reality. Aspiring to be middle class, dreaming of a better life. And often, making dreams happen. Only in Hollywood-Bollywood movies or only in America and India?
There was a time, not so long ago, when the Americans believed in themselves, and their power to change their destiny. Always, the most positive person in the room was the American — the most pessimistic the German. A bit like Boyle’s and Ray’s treatment of poverty — one sees hope and emergence, the other sees despair and unrelenting loss. Not to get into pop psychology but Bengalis, Ray’s tribe, are known for having a less than optimistic view about life — so his in-your-face and in-your-guts portrayal of poverty was much appreciated by the pessimistic Europeans, but never much applauded by the Americans.
The Great Crisis of 2008 has, unfortunately, made the Americans look like Germans. Today, the cheerleaders of optimism are the Indians — the new Americans. Yet another example of the deep similarity in the two societies, and in their attitude towards life. Indians invented karma, but strongly believe they can change the future. Sound familiar? The reason Slumdog will win is because it is a quintessentially American story. It is about rooting for the underdog — a cliché but never a truer one. Look at the villains in the movie — they are not an example of thinly disguised racial profiling, but you and me. Heck, even the hero of the movie is a Muslim.
The movie succeeds because everything portrayed is plausible — not likely, but possible. It is a movie about the celebration of hope, about the reach being further than the grasp. How can you get more American than that — or more Indian? Any reason why Slumdog will not win the Oscar?
The author is Chairman, Oxus Investments, a New Delhi-based asset management company. The views expressed are personal. For an archive of articles, visit