Is there trouble in the Samajwadi Party (SP) clan? Former SP member of Parliament Amar Singh hosted the reception in Delhi when Mulayam Singh Yadav's brother, Shivpal Singh Yadav's son got married a few weeks ago. But then, Uttar Pradesh Minister and SP leader Azam Khan - who had abused Singh while he was in the SP - and Ramgopal Yadav, the "thinker" in the party, have joined forces to prevent Singh's re-entry into the SP and a seat in the Rajya Sabha. Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav's position is not known. Maybe to avoid getting wires crossed, Mulayam Singh Yadav has let it be known that when UP vacancies in the Rajya Sabha come up, the SP would "help" Singh win the election, but as an independent, not as an SP nominee. When asked about Singh's re-entry, Mulayam Singh Yadav's stock reply has been, "Woh dil mein hain; dal mein nahin (he is in our hearts; not in our party)." Elections for 11 Rajya Sabha seats from the state are likely in June.