Rupert Murdoch may get three divorces for the price of one. As the News Corp boss heads for a third breakup, theres at least one financial consolation: a smaller lifetime divorce bill than fellow billionaire Harold Hamm. Minus a prenuptial agreement, the oil baron may forfeit $3 billion to his ex. Even after a $1.7 billion deal in 1999, media mogul Murdoch probably comes out ahead.
The two tycoons are neighbours on the Forbes rich list. With a net worth of $11.3 billion, Hamm ranks as the 90th wealthiest man in the world just ahead of Murdochs 91st place listing for the $11.2 billion he had as of March this year. But despite almost identical fortunes, they face very different price tags for their latest marital splits.
Up to now, Murdoch holds the unenviable record for the largest sum ever handed over in a public divorce settlement for his 1999 deal. Murdochs overall bill for failed relationships will certainly grow considerably with his forthcoming rupture from Wendi. Yet, his third wife did sign a prenuptial agreement, a person familiar with the situation told Reuters. That should minimise the cost. His first divorce, in 1967, came before he had accumulated his substantial fortune.
Both billionaires are sure to occupy a lower ranking on the Forbes list by the end of the year. But of the two, Hamm is in danger of sliding far further for solely domestic reasons.
The two tycoons are neighbours on the Forbes rich list. With a net worth of $11.3 billion, Hamm ranks as the 90th wealthiest man in the world just ahead of Murdochs 91st place listing for the $11.2 billion he had as of March this year. But despite almost identical fortunes, they face very different price tags for their latest marital splits.
Up to now, Murdoch holds the unenviable record for the largest sum ever handed over in a public divorce settlement for his 1999 deal. Murdochs overall bill for failed relationships will certainly grow considerably with his forthcoming rupture from Wendi. Yet, his third wife did sign a prenuptial agreement, a person familiar with the situation told Reuters. That should minimise the cost. His first divorce, in 1967, came before he had accumulated his substantial fortune.
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Harold Hamm looks to be facing a bill that will exceed all three of Murdochs romantic misadventures combined. For a start, Hamm failed to take the precaution of a pre-nuptial bargain when he married Sue Ann in 1988. To make matters worse, almost all of his fortune has been accumulated since they tied the knot. In 1987, at the time of his first divorce, Hamm had a net worth of just $16 million. Sue Ann, herself a lawyer, also gains extra leverage by having worked as a top executive at her husbands oil firm. That enables her to claim she played an important role in building Hamms empire.
Both billionaires are sure to occupy a lower ranking on the Forbes list by the end of the year. But of the two, Hamm is in danger of sliding far further for solely domestic reasons.