At a function organised by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-affiliated Vijnana Bharati, Union ministers Harsh Vardhan and Jitendra Singh were invited to honour scientists who had won Padma awards and assumed new positions in the government. Though the ministers failed to turn up on time, the function started and a visibly annoyed A Jayakumar, Vijnana Bharati secretary-general, came down heavily on the "political culture" in the country. "We have already wasted about 30 minutes. In schools, we are taught the importance of punctuality and character. If these qualities are lost, all is lost," he told a startled audience. This was not the first time Jayakumar was venting his ire against a Bharatiya Janata Party minister. He had reportedly snubbed Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani when she requested him to reschedule a programme she was to address. Last year, another minister, General (retd) V K Singh, who was invited to an RSS function, had to beat a hasty retreat when his address was cancelled after he reached the venue late.