The office of the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer said that 32 candidates belonging to as many as 14 parties, like BJP, BSP, and CPI, along with independents, filed nominations today in nine electoral districts of Delhi.
EC received 42 applications from the 32 candidates today as a few of them - from BJP, BSP as also independents - filed multiple applications.
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Fifty-five persons have so far filed nominations for the Assembly polls after the process for the same opened on November 9.
Of the 32 candidates in question, five were from BJP, four from BSP and 11 independents. The rest were from other parties.
BJP MLA Ramesh Bihduri filed four applications from Tughlakabad constituency while his party colleague, MLA Shyam Lal Garg, filed two application from Shakur Basti. BJP MLA Pradhyuman Rajput filed his nomination for the Dwarka seat.
The remaining BJP leaders who filed nominations today were Gyatri Rajput and Ramesh Chand Jain, from Dwarka and Gandhi Nagar, respectively.
BSP candidates Bhim Singh, Naresh Chand Rathore, Sanjay Kumar and Kamal Sharma filed nominations from Shahdara, Ghonda, Vikas Puri and Burari, respectively.