In the second week of the donation drive (December 20-27), donations rose to Rs 1.48 crore. In the first week of January, when the party won the vote of confidence in the Delhi Assembly, these surged to about Rs 1.94 crore. During this time, the party announced various populist measures such as providing free drinking water, subsidies on electricity, etc.
However, in the second week this year, it drew criticism from some sections of society. Party leader Prashant Bhushan had sought a referendum in Jammu & Kashmir on whether the citizens there wanted the army to be deployed for internal security. Also, splits were visible within the party, with AAP member of Legislative Assembly Vinod Kumar Binny accusing the party of deviating from its promises.
However, as the membership drive was alive, the party received Rs 89.5 lakh in donations.
In the week ended January 23, Delhi law minister Somnath Bharti sparked off a controversy when he carried out a raid in south Delhi, alleging a drugs and prostitution racket there. That week, the party got donations of Rs 47 lakh.
Later, AAP members, led by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, staged a dharna outside the Rail Bhawan, demanding suspension of three policemen who refused to obey Bharti’s orders.
Non-resident Indians (NRIs), who earlier supported the party with enthusiasm and zeal, are now taking a step back, too. In the first week of January, NRI donations comprised 27.8 per cent of the total donations; in the week ended January 23, only 17 per cent of the donations were from NRIs.
Another Facebook page, ‘IITians against AAP’, said to be run by those studying at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Kharagpur, Kejriwal’s alma mater), criticises Kejriwal’s latest dharna and its support to the Congress party.
“People have now started analysing him, instead of blindly believing in him. He is not losing popularity; the majority of students continue to support him and his party,” said Siddharth Aggarwal, a fourth-year student at IIT-Kharagpur.