Taking a dig at the recently concluded National Education Summit held at Gandhinagar recently, Sukhdev Patel, Gujarat convenor of AAP, said the Gujarat government was spending taxpayers' money on hosting big events on education despite lack of basic amenities like drinking water and toilet in the state primary schools.
“A false image of development is being created in the minds of people outside the state and in the country by hosting big events at the expense of Gujarat's taxpayers. If it was beneficial to someone, it was understandable, but there are still primary schools in Ahmedabad and other parts of Gujarat such as the one in Dani Limda, where over 2,200 students study but do not have basic amenities such as toilets,” said Patel.
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Patel alleged the primary school was earlier running in a pucca building which was demolished to make way for a Bus Rapid Transport System workshop and the school premises were shifted to a nearby open area.
“The school is now running in a prefabricated building which becomes unbearable to sit during summer. The Gujarat CM, who talks of temples and toilets, has not even provided facilities of drinking water or toilet. It was the primary school teachers who had to spend money from their own pocket to build a toilet for themselves and the students," Patel alleged.
Citing the recent District Information System for Education report prepared by the National University of Education Planning and Administration (NEUPA), Patel said, “While big events are being conducted in Gujarat and superficial education development is highlighted, the recent NEUPA report shows a fall in Gujarat's rank in primary level education from 12th to 28th position."
According to the report, Gujarat's rank fell in the upper primary education segment, too, from 8th to 14th position.