The BJP also urged the Congress to call bandh on that day to protest against the alleged "murder of democracy." In an obvious reference to the LF-sponsored bandh call, state BJP president Rahul Sinha said "One party has already called a bandh on April 30. We are also calling bandh on that day. We have not given a strike call on any other day.
"The Congress should also give a bandh call," he said while leading a procession to the state Election Commission here.
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Stating that their protests would not stop with the bandh, Sinha said they would observe "a save democracy" fortnight from May 1.
He alleged a "nexus between the SEC and the state government" and said the central forces which arrived in the state were not used for civic poll duty.
Criticising the Left's bandh-call, Trinamool Congress Secretary General Partha Chatterjee had yesterday said it would not help the people when a natural disaster has hit the region.
"We will keep life normal," Chatterjee had said.
The CITU, INTUC and six Left-backed trade unions have also jointly called a 24-hour general strike in West Bengal on April 30 to protest against alleged violence in the civic polls in the state.