Taking strong exception to BJP president Amit Shah's comment on Mahatma Gandhi, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday demanded that he withdraw it and apologise to the country.
"He should withdraw his comment and apologise for it. It is a deliberate act. It is unfortunate, uncalled for and unethical," she told reporters here.
"Gandhiji is the father of the nation and he is an icon of the world. No one should think that he can say anything only because he is in power", she said.
In a tweet, Banerjee said, "When we, in public life, speak about icons of our nation and the world, we must always show utmost respect and sensitivity with language".
The BJP chief on Friday referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a "bahut chatur baniya" (a very clever Baniya - the trading caste) while addressing a gathering in Raipur.