Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the helpline received 3,904 calls till 3 PM today out of which 53 callers had serious complaints. He said 38 callers have agreed to do a sting operation.
Kejriwal had announced setting up of the helpline 011 27357169 yesterday to receive any complaint of corruption and irregularity.
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If a complaint is considered serious, a team of officials would help the complainant on how to conduct a sting operation to trap the accused. The government's vigilance team after receiving evidence will pursue the case.
"Public grievance is a symptom, the disease is something else," Kejriwal told a press conference here.
He said considering the "huge response", the government has decided to increase the number of helpline staff from current 15 officials to 30 by tomorrow.
He said on Saturdays, the entire cabinet will sit to hear grievances of the public from 9:30 AM to 11 AM.
On weekdays, one minister will receive grievances from the public.
Officials said after receiving evidence from complaints, anti-corruption sleuths will swing into action and start working on the cases within 24 hours.