The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh today dedicated 28 units, which cumulatively committed to invest Rs 4,600 crore in Sri City SEZ, on the borders of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Of the 28 units, 13 are operational and the remaining in the advance stage of commissioning and the Chief Miniseter performed groundbreaking ceremony for 10 more units.
All put together, a total sum of about Rs 4,600 crores will be invested by these units, creating job opportunity for over 9,300 people, said Ravindra Sannareddy, managing director, SriCity.
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The Chief Minister said this SEZ is considered as the best SEZ in the country and soon it will be a mega industrial hub, as it is a part of the proposed Chennai-Bengaluru industrial corridor.
The Chief Minister said his government is very keen to extend all infrastructure facilities to industries. He assured uninterrupted power to Sri City industries even in summer.
K Pradeep Chandra, Principal Secretary to Govt & CIP, Industries & Commerce in his address mentioned that the single window system adopted for approvals is working well and the state government is extending its full support to the investors.
Ravindra Sannareddy added with 28 more companies progressing to the operational phase, 10 companies that witnessed groundbreaking and other companies that have signed agreements, the aggregate of the units in Sri City has crossed 100.
All these companies bring in a proposed investment over Rs.12,500 crores and generate employment for over 20,000 people.
The Chief Minister visited the manufacturing plants of Danieli and Alstom, which have progressed into production phase.