In July last year, the Assam Health (Prohibition of Manufacturing, Trade, Advertisement, Storage, Distribution, Sale and Consumption of Zarda, Gutkha, Pan masala Containing Tobacco) Bill 2013, was introduced in the House. "We have received the Governor's assent to the Bill. Today we will notify it and it will become an Act. From tomorrow, all non-smoking tobacco products will be banned in Assam," Sarma said.
It was clarified that tobacco would include all products, which were smokeless and for chewing, and included leaves and parts of Nicotiana-Tabacum.
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Under the act, those engaged in manufacturing, advertising, storing and trading, distributing and selling zarda, gutkha, panmasala containing tobacco would invite punishment.
A violator could be punished with imprisonment up to seven years and a fine not less than Rs one lakh, which might extend up to Rs five lakh. The Act also suggested a fine of Rs 1,000 on the consumer for the first offense and Rs 2,000 for the second and any subsequent offences.