Congress MP and young gun Deepinder Hooda, a close confidante of Vice President Rahul Gandhi, at whose behest the whole initiative had been undertaken, was tasked with heading the party’s social media initiative. While the website took six months in the making, boasting of features unseen on other party websites like video recordings of speeches made by Congress leaders dating back to pre- Independence, sourcing films from archives of the National Film archives and AIR took time. While all the contemnt for this initiative is in house- the technical backbone has been outsourced.
Since the party found that its own Twitter handle @INCIndia has not been sufficient to take on the BJP’s social media clout, it has co-opted a group of Congress sympathizers going by the name of @WithCongress, which includes several prominent civil society members. Reaching out to this, group the Congress social media team now provides them content on topics like UPA’s rights based legislations, economic achievements and the like.
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Taking this reaching out a step further, Congress insiders disclose that the party has been studying the effectiveness of direct mail advertising ie political mailers that are used in American Presidential campaigns and decided to adopt it.
“A list of influential people have been drawn up and we intend to send them personalized mailers about Congress and UPA so that we ensure that over the next few months we manage to secure the support and vote for the party.” Academic studies have shown that while positive mailers about candidates have positive impact on voter choices, negative mailers on Opposition candidates are equally effective in denting the Opposition camp.
With not just the BJP (its money bags and first mover advantage in place) but the Aam Aadmi Party’s capitalizing on the social media, the Congress is in a close race to outdo the other two.