A Delhi court extended the judicial custody of Bahujan Samaj Party MP Dhananjay Singh and his wife till Jan 13, 2014, in connection with the murder of their maid and destroying evidence, their counsel said Tuesday.
Metropolitan Magistrate Jay Thareja extended the judicial custody of Dhananjay Singh and his wife Jagriti, defence counsel S.P.M. Tripathi told IANS.
Singh and his wife were presented before court after expiry of their 14-day judicial custody Monday.
Dhananjay Singh, who represents the Jaunpur Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh, was arrested and booked for destroying evidence and violating provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act.
His wife Jagriti was booked for murder, attempt to murder and for violating the Juvenile Justice Act after their maid died Nov 5 due to injuries suffered as a result of alleged torture.