The Supreme Court on Monday said the former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad will be tried in each of the five remaining cases against him in connection with the multi crore fodder scam. The ruling came on an appeal by the Central Bureau of Investigation against a 2014 order from the Jharkhand high court that said Prasad could not be tried for the same crime twice, referring to his previous conviction that also led to his disqualification from Parliament and earned him a ban from contesting elections. Out of 64 cases arising from the scam, Yadav was named accused in six cases cases and he has already been convicted in one of the case involving fraudulant withdrawal of Rs 37.70 crore from Chaibasa treasury which now falls in Jharkhand between period April 1, 1994 to January 31, 1995.
Today’s ruling is likely to weaken his position in Bihar, where his Rashtriya Janata Dal is in an alliance with chief minister Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) and his two sons are ministers.
Two decades ago Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav was forced to quit as Bihar chief minister when his name figured in the CBI investigations in a multi-crore fodder scam. The scandal continues to haunt the man even today as the Supreme Court reinstated on Monday criminal conspiracy charges against him. While a political fallout may not be immediate, the cases are likely to strain the alliance before the next Assembly elections in 2020.
Here is a timeline of the infamous Rs 1,000 crore fodder scandal
May 8, 2017: No relief for Lalu, SC orders trial for criminal conspiracy
Lalu Prasad Yadav will be tried on criminal charges for corruption during his term as Chief Minister of Bihar, the Supreme Court ruled today, rejecting his request for the more grave charges including criminal conspiracy to be deleted.
April 20, 2017: SC reserves judgement in Fodder scam case
The Supreme Court reserved its judgement and asked all parties concerned to give their submissions within a week.
July 14, 2016: SC pulls up ex-Bihar CM Jagannath Mishra for delaying CBI's plea
July 8, 2016: Files related to 'fodder scam' in Bihar go missing Important files related to the Bihar Animal and Fisheries Resources Department office in Patna have reportedly gone missing. According to sources, the missing files are said to be linked to the mid-1990s fodder scam. An FIR was registered.
August 17, 2016: SC issues notice to RJD chief Lalu Prasad in fodder scam case
Supreme Court sought the response of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad on CBI's plea against dropping of conspiracy charge against him by the Jharkhand High Court in one of the fodder scam cases.
March 13, 2014: Former CBI director wants to drop charges against Lalu in fodder scam
CBI Director Ranjit Sinha has advocated the dropping of charges against Lalu Prasad Yadav in the three pending cases which are offshoots of the infamous fodder scam in which the RJD leader has been convicted in one of the cases.
December 16, 2013: Lalu Prasad released from jail
Lalu was released after he completed the bail formalities in a Special CBI court here as directed by the Supreme Court. Hundreds of RJD supporters greeted him on his release.
December 13, 2013: The Supreme Court grants bail to Lalu Prasad, in a relief to the politician who is behind the bars for the last two months after being awarded a five-year jail term.
November 25, 2013: Lalu moves Supreme Court for bail
November 2013: CBI informed the Jharkhand High Court that it did not find any evidence against Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and JD-U leader Shivanand Tiwari in the Rs 950 crore fodder scam.
September 30, 2013: Special CBI Judge PK Singh pronounced the judgment in the case No. RC 20 A/96. He convicted all the 45 accused, including Lalu Prasad and Jagannath Mishra, in the scam. The court will pronounce the sentencing on October 3.
September 17, 2013: Special court in Ranchi reserved its verdict in the fodder case.
May 17, 2012: The special CBI court framed charges against Lalu Prasad in another fodder scam case, which pertained to fraudulent withdrawal of Rs 3.13 crore from Dumka treasury between December 1995 and January 1996.
2000-2012: As the trial continued in Jharkhand court, several key witnesses and accused passed away.
December 18, 2006: Lalu Prasad and Rabri Devi were given clean chit in the disproportionate assets case.
October 2001: Supreme Court transfered all the cases to Jharkhand and Lalu Prasad had to surrender in Ranchi.
June 9, 2000: Charges were framed against Lalu Prasad in court.
April, 2000: Lalu Prasad chargesheeted and Rabri Devi was made a co-accused in the DA case. Lalu Prasad and Rabri Devi surrendered, but Rabri Devi being the chief minister of Bihar got bail.
August 19, 1998: Disproportionate assets case registered against Lalu Prasad and his wife Rabri Devi.
July, 1997: With the CBI tightened its noose around Lalu Prasad. Lalu Prasad surrendered before the CBI court and installed his wife Rabri Devi as chief minister of Bihar.
March, 1996: Patna high court directed CBI to investigate the fodder scam. Supreme Court confirmed the Patna high court order, directed a bench to monitor the probe.
January 27, 1996: The scam came to fore. Crores of money from the state government treasury given to non-existent companies for supply of fodder in districts like Chaibasa.