The forest officials of the top order in Chhattisgarh had come under the scanner for submitting fake bills and withdrawing huge amount from the state exchequer in the pretext of Ara mills inspection. The irregularity was unearthed in 2004-05 while the state government had conducted a high level probe.
The opposition Congress members on Monday demanded that the state government should table the probe report on the floor of the Chhattisgarh legislative assembly. They alleged that the government was providing cover to the tainted officials mostly of Indian Forest Service (IFS) cadre.
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Chief Minister Raman Singh, who holds the portfolio of forest department, said that the government had taken action against the guilty officials under the rules. He added that cases against four officials were disposed after their reply to the show cause notice. Singh said since the IFS officials were involved, the Central government had to take action.
The Congress members raised protest against the chief minister’s reply as senior member Dhanedra Sahu observed that the scam involving IFS officer was a very serious offence and how guilty officers could be relieved just with a warning.
Congress legislator Satyanarayan Sharma said loss worth Rs 2.70 crore was caused to the state exchequer while state government was providing shelter to the guilty officials.
The Leader of Opposition TS Singhdeo wanted to know whether the loss caused to the exchequer would be recovered from these officials. The chief minister assured that guilty officials would not be spared and appropriate action would be taken on the recommendation of union government.