Highly placed sources in the government also said the SC order that MPs, MLAs and MLCs who are convicted in a criminal case with a jail term of two years or more will face immediate disqualification, is likely to remain the law of the land for the time being.
They said the government is not yet decided on the future course of action, including bringing an ordinance, to negate the apex court verdict.
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Since both Houses of Parliament have been prorogued after the end of the Monsoon Session, an ordinance can technically be brought.
The sources said the government did not press for the passage of the amendment bill as the Opposition changed its stance on its provisions.
A proposal to bring a Constitutional Amendment Bill to negate the July 10 Supreme Court verdict on disqualifying MPs, MLAs and MLCs was junked as the opposition, including BJP, was opposed to it, they said.
The government instead introduced the Representation of the People (Second Amendment) Bill, 2013 in Rajya Sabha to amend section sub section (4) of section 8 of the Representation of the People Act.