After Prime Minister Narendra Modi, now Congress candidate for the Vadodara Lok Sabha constituency Narendra Rawat clicked a selfie within 100 metres of a polling booth after casting his vote in the bypolls.
According to state election commission officials, EC may soon issue a notice to Rawat for breaching model code of conduct.
Speaking to mediapersons after casting his vote, Rawat claimed that he deliberately took a selfie to send out a message to the Centre that PM Modi has breached the trust of Vadodara voters by vacating his seat.
"I will accept whatever the election commission decides," Rawat added.
It needs to be mentioned here that during the general elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also clicked a selfie near a polling booth.
Bypolls for assembly seats are underway in Deesa, Maninagar, Tankara, Khambaliya, Mangrol, Talaja, Anand, Matar and Limkheda. Voting for the Vadodara Lok Sabha seat, which was vacated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he was elected to the Parliament, is also underway.
According to election commission, till 9 am, the voter turnout was at around 7.01%. 45 candidates are contesting for the assembly seats and while 4 are contesting for the Vadodara Lok Sabha seat including BJP candidate Ranjan Ben Bhatta.
By-polls were necessitated post resignations by sitting BJP MLAs who won Lok Sabha election of 2014, including Modi, who also vacated Maninagar seat as sitting MLA.
Meanwhile, the Gujarat BJP has filed a complaint against Congress candidates from Maninagar and Anand assembly seats for alleged violation of the poll code.