After being branded by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav as the main culprit behind the Samajwadi Party (SP) rift, Rajya Sabha MP and member of the party Amar Singh on Friday said if his sacrifice leads to re-unification then he would happily be a scapegoat for the welfare of the party.
"I have been accused for creating rift within the Samajwadi Party and have been held responsible for the infighting. I have always treated Akhilesh as my son, but I am deeply hurt by his statements," he told ANI.
"And if my scarifice unifies the party then I am ready for it as well," he added.
Singh, who was re-inducted to the SP after six years, has been accused by Akhilesh of instigating the current crisis that has deeply divided the Yadav family.
The chief minister's supporters allege that the Rajya Sabha MP is conniving with his Shivpal Yadav, Akhilesh's uncle to remove him from the chief ministerial post.
The Akhilesh camp also sees Singh's hand in Shivpal being made the SP's Uttar Pradesh chief in place of Akhilesh last month. This move gives Shivpal direct control of choosing candidates for the assembly elections next year.
However, SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav had described Singh as "my brother" and said that his past sins were forgiven.