The whole of Tamil Nadu is grieving the death of their beloved CM J Jayalalithaa. Leaders across the country regardless of the party are pouring condolence messages. Her bête noire and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi said, "her name and fame will remain forever."
Karunanidhi and DMK Treasurer's MK Stalin tweeted, "She was an iconic & courageous leader. This is an irreparable loss to the people of TamilNadu." But something that never had happened in the decades of AIADMK and DMK rivalry was observed on Tuesday. DMK cadres erected a banner, with no trace of bitterness, mourning the loss of a formidable opponent that surprised everyone in Tamil Nadu.
Karunanidhi and DMK Treasurer's MK Stalin tweeted, "She was an iconic & courageous leader. This is an irreparable loss to the people of TamilNadu." But something that never had happened in the decades of AIADMK and DMK rivalry was observed on Tuesday. DMK cadres erected a banner, with no trace of bitterness, mourning the loss of a formidable opponent that surprised everyone in Tamil Nadu.
Here is the translation of the post:
You are no more
The brave adversary who stood before us
You are no more
Even if thousand leaders stand before us
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Valiant maiden
How can they match you?
Everything you did
You desired to be ahead of our leader
But do you have to be the first one even in death?
Where will our commander go in search
For a rival like you?
In the battle of elections
We intended to face you as a gallant maiden
But in the heart of leader and commander
We always wished you a long life
Never had any other thoughts
Now, where can we find a worthy opponent like you?
Without you, we are at the peak of sadness
DMK banner paying tribute to Jayalalithaa