Party President Sharad Yadav also saw political motives behind the haste shown by Congress "at this time" and said, "They ruled the country for 65 years but poverty was not alleviated. But before every election, they begin such moves and talk of poverty alleviation."
"We totally reject this move (ordinance) of the government," the NDA convenor said.
Noting that there were serious disagreements on the bill, he said it called for an exhaustive debate in Parliament and outside.
"There is no reason why it cannot wait till the coming Monsoon session when it has remained pending for several years. If government is in hurry, it can advance the session so that the bill is debated thoroughly as demanded by all parties," Yadav said.
He bringing an ordinance on such issues will set a "wrong precedent" which should be avoided.
"Such crucial laws should not be enacted without discussing the issue thoroughly in Parliament. It is beyond understanding of anyone that as to why Congress or UPA is in such a hurry to bring ordinance on food security bill," he said.
There has been a talk that government may bring an ordinance if Opposition did not agree for a special session to pass the bill. A final view is yet to emerge even as the UPA indicated its willingness to evolve political consensus on the issue.