Sacked minister Kapil Mishra's mother Annapoorna Mishra, a BJP leader, on Friday wrote to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and urged him "not to lie" and "reveal" the details of foreign travels by AAP leaders as demanded by her fasting son.
In her letter, Annapoorna Mishra said she was proud of her son and his protest fast.
"I never thought my son would ask you questions and you would avoid them. Whenever I met you, you always talked about probity in public life," she wrote.
"You worked with Kapil but never understood him. He is very stubborn. He hasn't eaten anything for three days. As a mother, I request you to give him the small information what he has asked for," she said, in an emotional appeal adding, "He (Mishra) is not anybody's agent but of the truth."
"Don't lie, be afraid of God," she wrote in the letter.
Annapoorna Mishra was the first mayor of the East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) after Delhi's civic body was trifurcated in 2012.
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Referring to Kejriwal's link with her family, Kapil Mishra's mother said, "Remember when you visited my house and said - 'I want to take Kapil in the party and make him contest the election but he is not listening'. He only wanted to be part of a movement, but you came to me saying you need him."
She wrote that Kejriwal had told her once that when he first won with 28 MLAs in Delhi he had shown the MLAs a video of a neighbourhood meeting (Mohalla Sabha) conducted by her.
"Today, your people are calling me corrupt too and you are silent," she lamented.
Aam Aadmi Party's suspended leader Kapil Mishra has been on a hunger strike since Wednesday at his official residence demanding Kejriwal reveal the source of funding of foreign trips of five AAP leaders - Sanjay Singh, Ashish Khetan, Satyendar Jain, Raghav Chadhha and Durgesh Pathak - in the last two years.
Mishra was first removed as a Delhi minister and later suspended from the AAP after he levelled corruption allegations against Chief Minister Kejriwal.