Janata Dal-United (JD-U) leader Sabir Ali on Wednesday hit out at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for protesting against the suspension of erring police officials, especially when preparations are underway for the Republic Day, and said that Kejriwal is taking law in his own hands.
"Delhi is our capital. And he is the chief minister of that state. He has no understanding, and he is protesting against the transfer or suspension of police officials, especially when we have preparations of Republic Day going on. He is taking law in his own hands. This only means that he has no faith or trust in the Indian law," he said.
Earlier on Tuesday, Kejriwal called off his protest outside the Rail Bhawan, after the Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung appealed to end their protest.
Terming this as people's victory, Kejriwal said he will continue to work for women's protection in the capital.
Addressing his supporters, Kejriwal said, "Considering the Republic Day preparations and issue of national security, the Lieutenant Governor (LG) appealed to us to end our dharna."
"They have partially accepted our demands. They have decided to send police officials of Paharganj and Malviya Nagar on leave. The police have also arrested the culprits involved in the case of women in Sagarpur, who was burned," he added.
He also apologized to the people for the inconvenience caused to them due to shutting of the Metro stations, and also condemned action taken by police which got people injured during the protest.