Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convener and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal wrote to Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Friday, asking about his stance on the Reliance gas price issue. In the letter, Kejriwal questioned Modi’s and Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi’s silence on the issue. “Now that you are the PM candidate, AAP needs to know if you form the government, will you give gas to Mukesh Ambani at $8 or $4?,” Kejriwal asked. He said he would write to Gandhi on Saturday and distribute 100 million copies of the letter across the country.
ALSO SEE | Kejriwal writes to Modi: Clear your
stand on gas pricing (VIDEO)
ALSO SEE | Kejriwal writes to Modi: Clear your
stand on gas pricing (VIDEO)
Kejriwal also questioned the appointment of RIL’s group president of corporate affairs, Parimal Nathwani, to the Rajya Sabha on a BJP ticket.
“With your help he got elected to the Rajya Sabha, this raises doubt in people’s mind on what is your and your party’s link with (Mukesh) Ambani?,” Kejriwal said reading out the letter in a press conference here on Friday.
The letter raised three questions: What is BJP’s link with Ambani? Where does Modi get money for his rallies? At what price would the BJP allow Reliance Industries to produce gas from the KG-D6 basin?
During his stint as Delhi chief minister, Kejriwal had ordered the government’s Anti-Corruption Branch to file a first information report (FIR) against Ambani and Reliance Industries alleging overpricing and underproduction of gas the company produces from the KG-D6 basin.
“With your help he got elected to the Rajya Sabha, this raises doubt in people’s mind on what is your and your party’s link with (Mukesh) Ambani?,” Kejriwal said reading out the letter in a press conference here on Friday.
AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal addresses a press conference in New Delhi on Friday. Mahatma Gandhi's grandson Rajmohan Gandhi is also seen in the picture. / PTI Photo
During his stint as Delhi chief minister, Kejriwal had ordered the government’s Anti-Corruption Branch to file a first information report (FIR) against Ambani and Reliance Industries alleging overpricing and underproduction of gas the company produces from the KG-D6 basin.