Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Thursday asked police to suspend four of its officers for allegedly refusing to act against sex and drug gangs and in a case of burning a woman.
"We are demanding... we are warning Delhi Police," Kejriwal told the media, using unusually harsh language for a chief minister. "Delhi Police is highly compromised."
He demanded the suspension of the station house officers (SHO) of the Sagarpur and Malviya Nagar police stations and two assistant commissioners of police.
The Sagarpur SHO, he said, did not arrest members of a family who allegedly set their daughter-in-law on fire.
Kejriwal accused the SHO of Malviya Nagar of complicity with a bunch of foreigners in south Delhi allegedly involved in prostitution and drugs.
"People are not going to be mute spectators to what is going on," he said.
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The chief minister denied the charge that his ministers were interfering in the work of Delhi Police, saying it was the duty of the ministers to speak and act if they witnessed crime.
"Delhi has security not because of Delhi Police but despite Delhi Police," he said, demanding to know why there were so many incidents of rape in the national capital compared to other parts of India.
As Delhi is not a full-fledged state, Delhi Police does not report to the city government.