The proposals involve a net cash outgo of Rs 13,126.9 crore and gross additional expenditure, matched by savings of the ministries and departments or by enhanced receipts and recoveries, of Rs 5,466.25 crore. Of the total demand of Rs 18,594.3 crore, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas will get Rs 10,336 crore for releasing payments to oil marketing companies and meeting establishment related expenditure of the petroleum regulatory board.
The oil firms would get Rs 9,000 crore for sale of petroleum products and Rs 1,336 crore for direct transfer of cash subsidy of LPG consumer schemes.
About Rs 2,000 crore would be provided towards fertiliser subsidy as an additional amount, while Rs 500 crore has been sought for Development Bank of India, to set up a credit guarantee fund in consonance with the Factoring Act, 2011.