Around 15-20 armed Maoists swooped on the petrol pump of BJP MLA Ram Surat Rai in Ahiapur police station area, around 10-km from district headquarters, SSP Saurabh Kumar said, adding, the ultras took the staff hostage and set on fire an oil tanker and portion of the petrol pump.
They mercilessly beat up the petrol pump staff before vandalising the petrol pump and setting it on fire, the SSP said.
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After plundering the petrol pump, the Maoists went to Rai's residence in Bocha police station area and opened fire besides hurling bombs, the SSP said.
The legislator from Aurai was neither at the petrol pump nor at his home during the attack. His wife and children, present at home, however, were unhurt, he added.
The Maoists, against whom the locals put up a brave resistance, escaped as soon the SSP along with a police force reached the spot, Kumar said.
A case has been registered in the Ahiapur police station as well as in the Bocha police station in this connection, the SSP said.