The BJP-ruled states have made oft-repeated allegations of UPA-led central government being biased towards BJP-ruled states. As a result, many issues like goods and service tax (GST), compensation towards natural calamities, coal allocation and division of taxes remained unresolved.
“A chief ministers’ cabinet is being mooted that will resolve these issues. The Modi-led government will not be biased towards any state and will have no discrimination against any state, which happened during the UPA regime,” Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the state chief minister said.
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Chouhan said the centre had been playing narrow party politics, but it would not happen in the new Modi-led government's case. Chouhan said it was the constitutional duty of the Central government to ensure that there is no politics in matters concerning the development of the states. Madhya Pradesh had received a raw deal on many occasions because of which people had to suffer, he said.
Madhya Pradesh opposed the Centre on many occasions, accusing the UPA government of being biased by launching skewed policies on various issues. In 2009, the MP government had raised the issue of coal allocation and had alleged that the UPA government had deliberately allocated less coal to MP since it was a BJP-ruled state.
In 2009 again, it mustered support of Chhattisgarh, Guajarat and Karnataka over GST issue. Later it also raised a debate over share of allotments under the public distribution system for the below poverty line (BPL) and Antyodaya category. Chouhan also alleged discrimination towards state governments over excluding frost under natural calamity. The situation had turned so grim that Chouhan had to protest publicly twice along with his ministers and MLAs.
In case of rural roads, Chouhan had alleged that Central government had not granted funds against construction of even a single kilometer.