Referring to an incident in Gujarat where Modi had refused to wear a cap being presented by Muslim leaders, Khurshid said that though he (Modi) wears dresses, pagdi and saafa of other states, "he is wary of a small cap".
"Respecting each other does not harm anyone's religion but makes one closer to the local people of that region and also provides an opportunity to establish harmony and amity", Khurshid, who was on a day-long visit to his parliamentary constituency, said.
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When asked to respond on BJP president Rajnath Singh's offer of an apology to Muslims, Khurshid said that he has "proved to be a very weak person".
To a question on the outcome of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, he said that they would be surprising. "There is a bend towards Congress," he said alleging, "The crowd in Modi's rallies is brought on payment." Khurshid claimed that the work which has been done in his parliamentary constituency in the past five years had not been achieved in the past 20 years.