As Table 1 shows, the number of applications being filed under RTI has been on the increase since 2009-10. Simultaneously, the number of these applications being rejected by the government has also increased.
Though the percentage of applications being rejected fell between 2012-13 and 2013-14, these were still 75 per cent more than in 2009-10. This, though, still doesn't reflect the true picture, as around 30 per cent of public authorities in India have not filed their annual returns, despite being mandated to do so under the RTI Act.
But, Sharma should worry: Table 2 shows both the number of pending complaints and pending appeals have been piling up for the past few years. This is partly because the government (as shown in Table 1) is rejecting more applications, then challenged in the CIC. The absence of a CIC since August is being felt: The number of appeals pending with the Commission in the past one year have doubled.