Talking to reporters after interacting with students of Christ College in Bangalore on Friday, he said, “I certainly believe I should do something in politics. If the Congress gives me a ticket, I will contest the Lok Sabha elections this year.”
He said talks were still on within the Congress as to which constituency he should contest. “I would join the Congress, as it has been very supportive to my ideas,” he said.
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Nilekani had recently met Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president G Parameshwara and had expressed his willingness to contest the general elections from Bangalore South.
Parameshwara said the party rules require that a ticket seeker should serve the party for three years. But this could be relaxed by the party high command in the case of Nilekani.
Nilekani quit Infosys as co-chairman in 2009, following his appointment as the chairman of UIDAI.