On September 2, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde had said that a note to initiate the process of carving out Telangana would be presented before the Union Cabinet within 20 days but it did not come up in the Cabinet meeting today.
Asked whether it was an indication of the government developing second thoughts on the issue of separate statehood, Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari said the decision on Telangana stands.
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"On the question of Telangana, there have been sensitivities. It's a process that has been under consideration for a fairly long period of time and after very detailed deliberations, after perusing the report of a commission appointed by the Government of India, a certain decision has been taken. Those decisions obviously continue to hold," he said.
"With regards to fleshing them out in terms of implementation, if I correctly recall, the Home Minister had made it clear that is the process that is under way," the Minister said.
He also replied in negative when asked as to whether the announcement of assembly elections in five states and thereby model code of conduction of Election Commission coming into force could further delay the decision on Telangana.
"If my understanding is correct, the model code of conduct applies qua the state, which goes to polls but possibly not qua those which do not go to polls.... I don't think that is going to be really a stopple on the government continuing with the process which the Home Minister had alluded to," Tewari said.
Home Ministry has prepared the note for creation of Telangana state and there were indications that it will be presented before the Union Cabinet very soon after getting the political clearance.
Shinde had yesterday said he had not had the time to go through the draft note on the matter prepared by his Ministry, which is to be presented before the Cabinet.