The Minister, however, in a telephonic interview to a news channel today, said that he would not contest in the elections and has requested the party to cast a new face in his place from the same Gudhamalani seat from where he emerged victorious for five times.
"I requested the party to give a chance to a new face... I will continue to support him/her and also the party," Choudhary, whose location was hidden, told the news channel.
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"I have been working for Congress since 1980, and if we (old leaders) continue to contest polls from the same seats, how would the new generation leaders in limelight and get the opportunity. I have told this fact to AICC General Secretary Gurudas Kamat, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, PCC President Dr Chandrabhan, and other seniors requesting them to nominate someone else," he told during the interview.
The Minister was recently in news for resigning over the shifting the Oil refinery from Bayoot to Pachpadra in Barmer district. He, however, withdrew his resignation after party President Sonia Gandhi intervened.