Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Thursday took to twitter to vent his anger over J-K students being charged with sedition by the Uttar Pradesh Police for cheering for Pakistan during the India versus Pakistan cricket match.
"Sedition charge against Kashmiri students is an unacceptably harsh punishment that will ruin their futures and will further alienate them. I believe the University did what it had to control the situation but this action by the UP Government is uncalled for and should be reversed," Omar wrote on Twitter.
"I will talk to UP CM ASAP and intervene on behalf of these misguided students to have this charge of sedition removed," he further tweeted.
Earlier today, Meerut Police filed a FIR against suspended Kashmiri students of a private university for alleged anti-national activities.
Last Sunday, 67 Kashmiri students were suspended in Meerut, after they cheered the Pakistan cricket team which cruised to victory in the India-Pakistan Asia Cup match in Bangladesh.