"This is in complete and callous disregard of the strong views and emotions of the people of Tamil Nadu clearly and unambiguously conveyed in my earlier letters to the Prime Minister, through Assembly resolutions and through protests, agitations and demonstrations by the people of Tamil Nadu", she said in a letter to Singh today.
Recalling her previous letter to Singh condemning the proposal made by Indian Naval Chief to enroll Sri Lankan Navy personnel in the four year Bachelor of Technology course offered to Indian Naval officers, she said, "I am totally dismayed to note from media reports that the Indian Coast Guard is participating in a marine defence exercise and has deputed ships, officers and men to Trincomalee, to participate in this exercise which is reported to be commencing there on 21st December, 2013."
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"The Government of India has still chosen to ride rough shod over the groundswell of emotions in Tamil Nadu and has persisted with its policy stance towards Sri Lanka", she said.
"In fact, the Government of India has extended on open hand of co-operation to Sri Lankan Navy through the defence related exercise", she said, adding, this is the same Sri Lankan Navy which continues to prey upon innocent fishermen from Tamil Nadu with impunity and subjects them to abduction, arrest, torture and long periods of detention.
"Such an overt act of defence cooperation with a nation that puts down its own hapless Tamil minority citizens and perpetrates serious human rights violations upon them, can only be termed as outrageous and condemnable", she said.