Union Minister Sanjeev Balyan, who is facing flak over his comments on Dadri incident, condemned VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi's comment that "it is time to make India Muslim free".
"Such comments should not be made. I condemn it. It is wrong to make such statements," Balyan, Union Minister of State for Agriculture, told PTI when asked to react on Sadhvi Prachi's comments.
Known for courting controversies, on Tuesday the VHP leader has claimed in Roorkee in UP that the mission of a Congress-free India has already been "accomplished" and it is "now time to make India Muslim-free"
On Sadhvi Prachi's another statement that Yogi Adityanath should be made BJP's chief ministerial candidate for the forthcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, Balyan said, "I am not the right person to comment on it.