BSP president Mayawati on Saturday lashed out at the UP government, saying merely talking about the Ram Rajya is not enough to uplift the poor, upholding high ideals is also a must.
All this will be possible by running the government on the high ideals of Shri Ram, which this government does not appear to be doing, she said in a tweet, adding that to end atrocities against the poor and uplift them, merely talking about Ram Rajya is not enough.
The BSP chief further claimed that Brahmins were turning to the party after being disheartened by the casteist functioning of the BJP.
Taking a dig at the ruling party, Mayawati said it has accused her party of raising the slogan of Tilak and taraju (referring to upper castes).
They are quite intelligent and won't be misled, the BSP chief said referring to Brahmins, adding that her party never talked about the slogan.
She also junked the claims that her party suggested building a toilet at the place where the Babri mosque once stood.
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These are disgusting allegations which have been linked to the BSP by our opponents to harm us, which is extremely condemnable, she alleged.
If there is any truth in these allegations, then why the BSP made Brahmin MLAs ministers and gave them high posts, she said referring to the previous BSP reign in the state.
This society knows everything. They will not be misled at all. The party has full faith in them, Mayawati added.