Delhi Chief Minister-designate Arvind Kejriwal's parents on Saturday, followed their activist-turned politician son in not demanding any VIP privileges when they took seats among the 40,000 people gathered for the swearing-in function at the Ram Lila ground.
His parents reached half-an-hour before Kejriwal arrived at the scene. They were accompanied by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Shazia Ilmi and Gopal Rai. The crowd went into a frenzy when all of them decided to sit in the audience. They were immediately provided chairs and a senior officer of the rank of deputy commissioner of police rushed to throw a security cordon around him. The AAP has consistently protested against the VIP culture in the national capital.
Except former law minister and party supporter Shanti Bhushan, no prominent personality was found seated on the chairs reserved for invitees of the chief minister. In fact, most of the seats remained vacant. Though Congress leaders did not turn up for the oath ceremony, BJP’s Harsh Vardhan was the only known face among attendees. Kejriwal was quick to read the situation and joked in a different context. "Harsh Vardhan is a very good man, but I can't say the same for his party."
His parents reached half-an-hour before Kejriwal arrived at the scene. They were accompanied by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Shazia Ilmi and Gopal Rai. The crowd went into a frenzy when all of them decided to sit in the audience. They were immediately provided chairs and a senior officer of the rank of deputy commissioner of police rushed to throw a security cordon around him. The AAP has consistently protested against the VIP culture in the national capital.
Except former law minister and party supporter Shanti Bhushan, no prominent personality was found seated on the chairs reserved for invitees of the chief minister. In fact, most of the seats remained vacant. Though Congress leaders did not turn up for the oath ceremony, BJP’s Harsh Vardhan was the only known face among attendees. Kejriwal was quick to read the situation and joked in a different context. "Harsh Vardhan is a very good man, but I can't say the same for his party."