On Tuesday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s Principal Secretary Rajender Kumar office was raided by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which has triggered a war of words between Kejriwal government and the Modi government at the Centre.
A 1989 IAS batch officer, Rajendra Kumar came under CBI investigation for alleged graft and reportedly setting up many companies to award work orders without going through the process of tendering during May 2002 to February 2005 when he was director of education.
Later as secretary (IT), secretary (health) and commissioner (VAT), Kumar is alleged to have carried on with a similar working style, resulting in financial loss to the Delhi government. The loss figure is not known.
Kumar, an IIT Delhi alumni, reportedly formed a company called Endeavors Systems Private Ltd along with some others. In 2007, when he became secretary (IT) in Delhi government, he got the company empanelled with Intelligent Communication Systems India Ltd (ICSIL), a public sector unit.
Investigation against Kumar was initiated after Ashish Joshi, former member-secretary of the Delhi Dialogue Commission, sought a probe into ‘’corrupt practices’’ by Kumar.
ALSO READ: CBI raid not against Kejriwal: Arun Jaitley